Monday, July 20, 2015

Our fish are growing!😋

The playful salmon have eaten their egg seams that the salmon liked their egg sacks on their bellies more than the fish food we feed them. They are now faster and sleeker.🐟

The salmon are looking more silver and shiny now since they have eaten their egg sack .You can still see their bump from where the sack was. The salmon always wiggle their tails when they are awake😯. 
The fish don't need the cardboard cover anymore as they can now stand the light unlike they use to.👀.                              We now have to feed the salmon and we grind up the food because their mouths are so small. Wonder if they like it.  🍰🍟🍕  They sure are growing fast.💨                     

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Tank Team

This morning we gave our tank some attention. This included a chemical ammonia test conducted by Waimarie and Chrystal. 

Next job was to siphon out of 50% of the water and replace with fresh cold tap water.  

We noticed that some of the more mature looking fish are swimming up to the top of the tank.